I am using microsoft sharepoint to host excel files on cloud. While for a project reason I am using Graph Explorer REST APIs to read and write contents to sharepoint.
Simple text scenarios: For reading, I use the url of form
+ "/drives/"
+ "/items/"
+ "/workbook/worksheets('"
+ WORKSHEET + "')/range(address='" +
RANGE + "') "
I do get the contents in the range and for write, I use the same URL, but with PATCH method, with the contents
So the issue I have, is how to use WYSIWYG in API calls
This is from a WYSIWYG editor.
When I copy and paste this directly to sharepoint, I do get what I wanted
But I am not sure, how to achieve this using API calls. As when it considers this as a plain text, and even if I enter equivalent HTML code produced by WYSIWYG in it, it considers as plain text.
I did explore https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/rangefont?view=graph-rest-1.0 but, this applies to the whole cell and not to the section of texts in the cell.
Can anyone explain How to achieve this?