I'm trying to import a huge table from oracle 10g to HDFS (GCS since i'm using sqoop with Google Cloud Dataproc) as AVRO. Everything works fine when the table doesnt have any date columns, but when it does some dates are imported very wrong.
Like: Oracle data -> 30/07/76 and HDFS data -> 14976-07-30 20:02:00.0
Like: Oracle data -> 26/03/84 and HDFS data -> 10384-03-26 20:32:34.0
I'm already mapping the date fields as String to bring them like that. I was importing using the default sqoop way that is bringing the date fields as epoch ints but the conversion was incorrect too.
Like: Oracle data -> 01/01/01 and HDFS data -> -62135769600000 when it should be 978314400000
Please, hope someone help me to fix this issue. Thanks
Aditional information:
Sqoop command that i'm running
import -Dmapreduce.job.user.classpath.first=true -Dorg.apache.sqoop.splitter.allow_text_splitter=true --connect=$JDBC_STR --username=$USER --password=$PASS --target-dir=gs://sqoop-dev-out-files/new/$TABLE --num-mappers=10 --fields-terminated-by="\t" --lines-terminated-by="\n" --null-string='null' --null-non-string='null' --table=$SCHEMA.$TABLE --as-avrodatafile --map-column-java="DATACADASTRO=String,DATAINICIAL=String,DATAFINAL=String"
Sqoop version: 1.4.7
JDBC version: 6