Yes, this can be computed incrementally. The method is a small generalisation of Welford's algorithm, see here, for example
You maintain a number of variables, updating them each time data comes in. At each stage these are the mean etc of the data seen so far
int n = 0; // number of points
double mx = 0.0; // mean of x's
double my = 0.0; // mean of y's
double vx = 0.0; // variance of x's
double vy = 0.0; // variance of y's
double cxy = 0.0; // covariance of x and y
Update (new values x,y in )
n += 1;
double f = 1.0/n;
double dx = x - mx;
double dy = y - my;
mx += f*dx;
my += f*dy;
vx = (1.0-f)*(vx + f*dx*dx);
vy = (1.0-f)*(vy + f*dy*dy);
cxy= (1.0-f)*(cxy+ f*dx*dy);
In terms of these variables we have
rxy = cxy/sqrt( vx*vy)
Note though that vx and vy will be zero after just one pair as been seen.
Don't be surprised if the stream of estimates for rxy is noisy. Estimates of correlation tend to be so.