
This puzzles me:

I have a model in which I want to use an enum. I first declare the enum:

enum MenuChoices: String, Codable {
    case reachableAt
    case attentionTo
    case reasonVisit
    case reasonProblem

Then it is in my fields of the class:

@Enum(key: "menu_choices")
var menuChoices: MenuChoices

I then create it in the database using a migration:

struct CreateUserMenu: Migration {    
func prepare(on database: Database) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
    return database.enum("menu_choices")
        .flatMap { menu_choices in
            return database.schema("user_menus")
                .field("created_at", .datetime, .required)
                .field("updated_at",.datetime, .required)
                .field("menu_choices", menu_choices)
                .field("be_nl", .string)
                .field("be_fr", .string)
                .field("en_us", .string)

So far so good. This migration works and the database looks ok. But when I want to add some data to seed the database in another migration I get an error :

let test = UserMenu( menuChoices: MenuChoices.reachableAt, beNl: "nl", beFr: "fra", enUs: "eng")
let _ = test.save(on: database)

+ App.addUserMenus on default
Would you like to continue?
y/n> y
[ ERROR ] previousError(MySQL error: Server error: Data truncated for column 'menu_choices' at row 1)
Fatal error: Error raised at top level: previousError(MySQL error: Server error: Data truncated for column 'menu_choices' at row 1): file /AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/swiftlang/swiftlang-1103.8.25.8/swift/stdlib/public/core/ErrorType.swift, line 200
    USSS-Voyager-II:24yours data$ 

Unfortunately this error doesn’t really help to pinpoint the source of the problem

Isn't it just that the string value for MenuChoices.reachableAt resolves to "reachableAt" but the mysql enum will be looking for "reachable_at"?Nick
I don't think so. If you take a look at my "struct CreateUserMenu: Migration {... " code you will see that at database level I use reachable_at. I just saw similar code here : stemmetje.com/2020/05/creating-a-database-enum-in-vapor-4 and don't see any differences with mine :( Concerning your way of doing it: you use myEnum.rawvalue() to save it to a string in the db ?Glenn
What happens if you define the swift enum case as case reachableAt = "reachable_at"? I don't use rawValue().Nick
Woehaa. This is working now! If you make it an answer to my question I can accept your answer!Glenn

1 Answers


The problem is that there is no mapping between the swift definition of the enum and the Fluent enum. Putting a string literal value for your swift enum definition that matches the string literal value of the Fluent will fix the problem.

enum MenuChoices: String, Codable {
    case reachableAt = "reachable_at"
    case attentionTo = "attention_to"
    case reasonVisit = "reason_visit"
    case reasonProblem = "reason_problem"