We're implementing a ADF copy activity of Azure Sql Server to on prem Teradata with the ODBC connector. We cant make the mapping work for a DateTime > Timestamp6 column and gets various errors when testing. (due to changing the source format) The source query has been cast/converted to various formats into an intermediate Blob File.
The cast/converts has been:
* convert(varchar(26), EventUtcTimeStamp,121) EventUtcTimeStamp //"2020-11-03 12:01:21.928294"
* convert(varchar(19), EventUtcTimeStamp,121) EventUtcTimeStamp //"2020-11-03 12:01:21"
* cast(DATEDIFF(s, '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000', eventUtcTimeStamp) as bigint) * 1000 eventUtcTimeStamp //1604404881000
The Blob File is the source for the second Copy activity where the target is the teradata table. This generates various ErrorCode=TypeConversionFailure's .
We suspect the cause to be the sink mapping to teradata, since it cant be changed from DateTime. The blob file looks ok. Any one encountered this and know how to tweak it to work, if possible at all?