
I have updated my ag-grid to version 24.1.0 but in chrome console it throws errors which says: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getNodeChildDetailsFunc is not a function and no columns is visible in grid.

Downgrade to 24.0.0 does not work either. If I downgrade to 23.2.0 it works. Anyone else have this type of issue?

I can't understand how to fix it. There should be a ag-grid under the "Refresh" button.

enter image description here

enter image description here


2 Answers


I had a similar error this.gridOptionsWrapper.getIsGroupOpenByDefaultFunc is not a function and it was because I had a mismatch in my versions of ag-grid-[community/enterprise/react]


I had a similar problem and after some trial and error I found that it was because I had set [modules]="AllModules" on my grid instance. I was importing AllModules from enterprise and I think that caused an issue; I am guessing the enterprise version is missing getNodeChildDetailsFunc which community presumably has. I am using angular but I don't believe that matters in this case.

Configuration with the issue:

// typescript
import { AllModules } from '@ag-grid-enterprise/all-modules';
<!-- Corresponding HTML -->

Configuration that worked:
