
I am running an AWS Data Migration (DMS) job from RDS MySQL to a Redshift cluster, I have enabled detailed cloudwatch logs to capture the errors that are happening. I'm getting errors when insert and update statements are ran on the source MySQL DB Unsupported or commented out DDL, but the statements don't have a commented DDL. Below are some sample errors:

2020-11-30T10:53:22:726844 [SOURCE_CAPTURE ]T: >>> Unsupported or commented out DDL: 'INSERT INTO `table_name_1` (`user_id`, `user_name`, `logs`, `ip`, `log_posts`, `action`, `before_or_after`, `user_agent`) VALUES ('1234', 'blah_blah', 'inspection/from_website', '', '[]', 'View', '', 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; RMX2151) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Mobile Safari/537.36')' (mysql_endpoint_capture.c:1717)

2020-11-30T10:48:49:892445 [SOURCE_CAPTURE ]T: >>> Unsupported or commented out DDL: 'UPDATE `table_name_2` SET `timestamp` = 1606733299 WHERE `id` = 'lkajdfoaiiuo00wueorinalkdfj'' (mysql_endpoint_capture.c:1717)

Both of these tables are partitioned tables on the MySQL source DB. I searched AWS DMS trouble shooting documentation, but I couldn't find anything about this.


1 Answers


After contacting AWS Support, they said that the source MySQL RDS must be restarted after changing the parameters for making the logs binary & row, even though they're dynamic parameters. This solved the issue.