
My website is in classic ASP. Want to implement openId relying party so using the DotNetOpenAuth.dll

Tried the asp.net WebForm and MVC sample. Both straight froward and works great.

After a bit of struggle i run the classic ASP Sample provided by DotNetOpenAuth.

With WebForms & MVC i tried test with google, google profiles, yahoo/flickr, wordpress, blogspot, myopenid, etc works well

When tried with classic asp Only google, profiles, yahoo/flickr works well. For others like myopenid, blogspot, & wordpess it says openid not found. but it work well with webforms & MVC.

My question is that, for calssic ASP Is there anything like it support only direct openid provider like yahoo/google or am i missing anything.

I am using the sample from dotnetopenauth. Nothing special.

Regards, Pradeep.

Seems like MyOpenID is kaput! Not fun!Kiril
myopenid seems healthy to me.Andrew Arnott

2 Answers


Underneath it's the exact same engine powering OpenID for both classic ASP and ASP.NET. Aside from possible configuration differences, which I'm not aware of any. You may attach a managed debugger to the IIS process and download the DNOA source code matching your version to step through and find out what's going wrong.