Been trying to write this hex to decimal converter in MIPS. Should take in up to 8 arguments (string) from command line, all hex starting with "0x", 4 bytes long and terminated with null character after every argument.
$s1= number of args; $s0-->args(0).
For these Program Arguments: 0x1A 0xF1 0x0B3:
buffer: .space 32
args: .asciiz "\nProgram arguments:\n"
space: .asciiz " "
d_rep: .asciiz "\n\nInteger values:\n"
newLine: .asciiz "\n"
maxVal: .asciiz "Maximum value:\n"
add $t9, $zero, $zero # t9 will be max value
add $s1, $a0, $0 # store number of program arguments
add $s2, $a1, $0 # store address of where program arguments are
addi $s0, $0, 0 # use s0 as index for looping
addi $s7, $zero, 0 # used as index for print loop
add $s6, $s1, $0 # store numArgs for printloop
add $s5, $s2, $0 # store address for printloop
addi $t5, $zero, 16
addi $t6, $zero, 0
la $a0, args # load and print "Program arguments" string
li $v0, 4 # print
beq $s7, $s6, printInt # only print as many times as there are args
lw $a0, 0($s5) # get the first word
li $v0, 4 # print
la $a0, space # print a space between words
li $v0, 4 # print
addi $s5, $s5, 4 # increment to next word
addi $s7, $s7, 1 # increment printloop counter
j printloop # loop again if there are more args
la $a0, d_rep # print "Decimal values:"
li $v0, 4 # print
beq $s0, $s1, done # while $s0 <= numArgs
lb $t1, 2($s2) # load s2[2] into
addu $t2, $zero, $t1 # make a copy so we dont lose place
subiu $sp, $sp, 4
beqz $t2, postConv # while t2 != null
blt $t2, 65, convNumber # if less than value of A then got a num
subiu $t3, $t2, 0x37 # -55 for uppercase letter
sll $t3, $t3, 4 # sll by 4 is same as mult by 16
sw $t3, ($sp) # store word to do some addition
addiu $t2, $t2, 1 # increment t2
subiu $sp, $sp, 4 # increment sp
j convert # go back to convert
addu $t3, $zero, $t2 # put t2 into t3 for to do some math
subiu $t3, $t3, 0x30 # -48 for number
sll $t3, $t3, 4 # sll by 4 is same as mult by 16
sw $t3, ($sp)
addiu $t2, $t2, 1 # increment t1
addiu $sp, $sp, 4 # increment sp
j convert # jump back to convert
addi $sp, $sp, 4 # load the second value
lw $s4, ($sp) # load the first value
addi $sp, $sp, 4
# sll $s4, $s4, 4
lw $s3 ($sp)
addu $s3, $s3, $s4 # add em up for converted decimal
move $a0, $s3 # move to a0 so they pint
li $v0, 1 # print
addiu $s0, $s0, 1 # increment loop counter
addiu $s2, $s2, 4 # increment to next word
ble $t9, $t6, newMax # check for a new max value
j while # jump back to loop
addu $t9, $zero, $t6 # got a new max so save it
j while
la, $a0, newLine
li $v0, 4
la, $a0, newLine
li $v0, 4
la, $a0, maxVal
li $v0, 4
move $a0, $t9
li $v0, 1
la, $a0, newLine
li $v0, 4
li $v0, 10 # end program
My output is this:
Program arguments:
0x1A 0xF1 0x0B3
Integer values:
Maximum value:
-- program is finished running --
But it should be : 26 241 179. And maxValue should be: 241
I would be very grateful if someone could help me debug this. Thank you! :D