I am trying to create an AWS Eventbridge rule with a Lambda function as a target. I can add the rule and target fine but when I try to set the lambda permissions via RoleArn
the Cloudformation stack deployment fails with:
RoleArn is not supported for target arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:contacts-lambda-consume-new-customer. (Service: AmazonCloudWatchEvents; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException; Request ID: xxxxx-ec5d-45e8-b45d-xxxxxx; Proxy: null)
Here is my Cloudformation stack code:
Type: AWS::Events::Rule
Name: new-customer
EventBusName: myEventBus
# RoleArn: !Join ["", ["arn:aws:iam::",!Ref "AWS::AccountId", ":role/my-role"] ] #no error but doesn't add the permissions
Description: "New customer event rule"
- "NewCustomer"
State: "ENABLED"
Arn: !Join ["", ["arn:aws:lambda:" ,!Ref "AWS::Region", ":", !Ref "AWS::AccountId", ":function:contacts-lambda-consume-new-customer"] ]
Id: "NewCustomer"
RoleArn: !Join ["", ["arn:aws:iam::",!Ref "AWS::AccountId", ":role/my-role"] ]
I have tried setting a RoleArn
on the rule itself which doesn't give an error when the stack is created but also doesn't add the necessary permissions to execute the Lambda.
The work-around I am using is to edit the lambda target in the AWS Eventbridge console. This seems to do some behind the scenes magic to add the correct permissions for Eventbridge to be able to execute the lambda
Any ideas gratefully appreciated.