Is it possible to make a input to set database user/password in Symfony at start-up of the application (like phpMyAdmin) ?
I want that my application do like this :
- Welcome page (only html, no database connection with just input for db username/password (like phpMyAdmin))
- User set username/password on inputs and click ok button => the values can be set into Request/post or Session in the controller by example
- Symfony connect database to all application and redirect user to 'app_index' route
Is it possible to do it with Symfony 5?
Here my controller action:
public function database_login(Request $request, Connection $connection): Response
if ($request->isMethod('POST') && $request->request->has('dbpass')) {
$dbpass = $request->request->get('dbpass');
$params = $connection->getParams();
$params['password'] = $dbpass;
$connection->__construct($params, $connection->getDriver(), $connection->getConfiguration(), $connection->getEventManager());
return $this->redirectToRoute('app_index');
return new Response(
'<form method="post">
<input type="password" name="dbpass">
<button type="submit">OK</button>
The new connection work's fine but it lost after redirecToRoute()
Can you help me ?