
I tried rebooting BG96 by AT+NRB at command but it's not working. What is the AT command for rebooting the BG96 board exactly?

I vote to reopen because this question IS NOT about HW. The OP is asking for an AT command to obtain a specific result. Though it is something agnostic from the programming perspective, at-commands is a tag with more than a thousand questions, because it is a set of command that can be provided through a serial interface to a modem using whatever language you like on host side.Roberto Caboni
@RobertoCaboni - The question has been reopened, so you can post that as an answer now.T.J. Crowder
Thanks @T.J.Crowder, I just noticed the meta effect. I expanded my comment into an answer.Roberto Caboni

1 Answers


Even though +NRB is the correct command for performing a reboot on modules such as BC95, it doesn't appear to be supported on BG96 modules.

According to BG96 AT commands guide, the reset can be performed by means of +CFUN command:


In fact, the syntax of the write command is


where the second parameter <rst> is described as follows:

0 - Do not reset the ME before setting it to functionalitylevel.This is the defaultsettingwhenis not given.
1 - Reset the ME. The device is fully functional after the reset. This value is available only for <fun>=1.

Please note how the described command doesn't work on BC95, where the following note is reported:

<rst> is not supported and will be ignored

I can assume that +NRB was supported just to provide for the limitations of +CFUN on that product.