I'm sure this question has been answered already, however I was unable to find an answer using the search tool.
Using c# I'd like to run a .sql file. The sql file contains multiple sql statements, some of which are broken over multiple lines. I tried reading in the file and tried executing the file using ODP.NET ... however I don't think ExecuteNonQuery is really designed to do this.
So I tried using sqlplus via spawning a process ... however unless I spawned the process with UseShellExecute set to true sqlplus would hang and never exit. Here's the code that DOESN'T WORK.
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.FileName = "sqlplus";
p.StartInfo.Arguments = string.Format("xx/xx@{0} @{1}", in_database, s);
p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
bool started = p.Start();
WaitForExit never returns .... Unless I set UseShellExecute to true. A side effect of UseShellExecute is that you can no capture the redirected output.