I have deployed Kubernetes Dashboard v2.0.4 using Helm on my Azure Kubernetes Service cluster. For some reason I don't have the user icon on the top right of the page and I'm automatically login to the dashboard with minimal access.
I can give myself admin access by creating a clusterRoleBinding between the serviceAccount created during the dashboard installation and the cluster-admin role but I want to be able to provide a token without having to bind it directly to the dashboard's serviceAccount.
Here's a screenshot from Azure's Kubernetes Dashboad add-on where you can see the user icon I'm talking about: Azure's Kubernetes Dashboad add-on
Here's a screenshot from my dashboard where there isn't a user icon: My dashboard page
Here's the Helm command I used to install the dashboard:
helm install my-dashboard k8s-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard --version 3.0.0 --set=service.externalPort=80 --set=protocolHttp=true --set=metricsScraper.enabled=true -n my-namespace
I'm also using nginx ingress to access to the dashboard.
I don't know if I mistakenly changed a configuration somewhere to bind the cluster-admin role token permanently to the dashboard's service account but after deleting and re-installing the Helm chart, I'm still not able to logout and provide a token.
Any idea why this occurs?