
Is it possible to disable the normal taxonomy listing of nodes on taxonomy term pages?

The reason I need this is I want to use a view's override of taxonomy pages BUT the default views override stops a breadcrumb module working properly. So, I want to make a term view but as a block and show it on certain pages with PHP.


This probably isnt the cleanest way but ive made a page-taxonomy.tpl.php and removed this:<?php print $content; ?> So far it seems this solution will work for my site, but id still like to know the proper way to do it.Evanss

4 Answers


If all you want to do is override the taxonomy term pages with a View, but NOT use the default view, you could create a custom module implementing hook_menu() or you could also take a look at the Taxonomy Redirect module.

From the Taxonomy Redirect page:

This module allows the administrator to change the destination of Taxonomy Term links.


Another way of doing this is using the Display Suite and Taxonomy Display module. Install them, then go to admin/structure/taxonomy/[mytaxonomy]/display.

Under "Use custom display settings for the following view modes" select "Taxonomy term page".

Then, in the "Taxonomy term page" view mode, under Term page display, select "Associated content display": HIDDEN.

Done! :)


This module claims to do just what you are seeking, but it did not seem to work despite checking the correct taxonomy to disable:


But putting the following in your theme's template.php will suppress those node listings:

function MY_THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  if(arg(0) == "taxonomy" && arg(1) == "term") {
    $variables['page']['content']['system_main']['nodes'] = null;

It's sort of a dirty way to do it, and you'll have to hide the pager using CSS, but it works.


This probably isn't the cleanest way but I've made a page-taxonomy.tpl.php and removed this:<?php print $content; ?> So far it seems this solution will work for my site, but I'd still like to know the proper way to do it.