Scenario is simple: You as a teamleader managing team attendance in Google Sheet document. Every person should have the ability to edit rows that are only for him. So the person shouldn't be able to edit cells of colleague, but can still enter some data for himself.
Options that Google Sheet provide in the UI are restrictions
- Protect whole sheet
- Protect whole sheet with exception
- Protect selected range on the sheet
All of those options provides ability to add/edit permission for this Restriction
(this is not clear for first time usage). By setting the user himself in here actually cause:
- Not apply
to him (so the user can still edit sheet) - User is able to edit
(this is kinda expected)
Question is if there is some way to prevent multiple users from entering multiple cells on same sheet, but he restriction will be applied per user?
Solution I'm looking for can be either from developer or classic user perspective.
I expected something like:
- Lock whole sheet
- Set permission for user A to edit range A1:B2
- Set permission for user B to edit range B2:C3
I've visited How to protect ranges per specific users in google sheet? , but as stated above, it only adds editors, where the restriction
is not applied to them.
ofLock whole list
? 2. I cannot understand aboutI've visited How to protect ranges per specific users in google sheet? , but as stated above, it only adds editors, where the restriction is not applied to them.
. Can I ask you about the detail of it? 3. Can I ask you about the difference between the protection of ranges andrestriction
you expect? – Tanaikelist
? Do you want to protect a range or a sheet? CAn you show your code and maybe a screenshot of your sheet - to understand the structure of your sheet and the error in your code. – ziganotschka