I am using AIX 5.3 and SAS 9.1.3
I have a 2.7G CSV file.
The file has about 110k lines.
Each line has 3070 fields.
I use filename myCSVfile LRECL=32768 ;
Then, I use Proc import ... delimiter = "," ...
The SAS program seems hang up.
It still there even after running 1 hour.
I head the file to have only 40 lines and try again.
This time, also seems hang up.
Also still there after running 1 hour.
NO improvement with this small file.
The log file is 0 byte.
Also, when I ps -ef , the process has eat 10% CPU.
At last I have to kill it before leaving the office.
Any hint to solve this problem ?
Alvin SIU