i am new at Magento and i need your help. When i open the contact page on my site, i receive this error.
"We're sorry, an error has occurred while generating this email."
I checked the system.log file and i found that.
Could you help me ?
[2020-11-19 14:58:18] main.CRITICAL: Recoverable Error: Argument 2 passed to Hashcrypt\Contact\Plugin\AddFieldToContactForm::afterToHtml() must be an instance of Hashcrypt\Contact\Plugin\string, string given, called in /var/www/vhosts/ora24.gr/httpdocs/vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php on line 152 and defined in /var/www/vhosts/ora24.gr/httpdocs/app/code/Hashcrypt/Contact/Plugin/AddFieldToContactForm.php on line 20 [] []