My goal is to create a histogram with gnuplot 5.4 boxes, and have each box shaded with a specific RGB value (for testing purposes it is "green" but will be #RRGGBB in final data set)
My data looks like this:
5.800507 1 1 green
121.810653 6 1 green
133.411668 41 1 green
1st column - X value, 2nd column - Y value, 3rd column - box width, 4th column - rgb
This works and produces the expected graph output:
plot "data.out" using 1:2:3 with boxes
If I change the plot commend to this, it fails with the error "x range is invalid" and also gives the warning "Skipping data file with no valid points":
plot "data.out" using 1:2:3:4 with boxes lc rgb variable
I've found a number of examples in blogs for doing this with gnuplot 4.2, but all of them fail with the same "x range is invalid" error under 5.4.