I want to build a simple microservices app with spring cloud config server. I am using Github repository to store my configuration files. Currently, I have two very simple microservices. One of them is a cloud-config-server which retrieve properties from the remote repo on Github. In the main class of this microservice, I added @EnableConfigServer annotation and I provided a couple of properties in the application.properties file:
spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri=*Remote repo URI*
If I go to http://localhost:8888/cloud-config-server/default everything works well, my spring cloud config server retrieves properties successfully.
In my second microservice, I added bootstrap.properties with 2 properties to connect to the cloud-config-server:
And I also added this dependency
Unfortunately, my microservice doesn't retrieve properties from cloud-config-server. When I try to use property via @Value annotation I get an error:
Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'test.text' in value "${test.text}
I am sure, I didn't make a typo in my property name "test.text".