
We have daily exchange rate data for 23 years between 1990 - 2013, for two countries. We wish to create a dummy variable for a particular time period equal to 2000-2002, so when the time is between 2000 and 2002 its equal to 1, and every other year, its equal to 0. We would also create another dummy variable for 2007 - 2009 where, like the previous question, is equal to 0 when the time is not between our dates, and equal to 1 when it is.

How do we go about this? Please help us.

What? He wants dummy data to be generated, which means he doesn't have any data, which means he has no minimal reproducible example. He just wants random dates inside a range.Érico Patto

1 Answers


Very interesting question! I tried using runif(), but didn't get it. In the end, this is what I did:

dates <- sample(seq(from = as.Date("2000-01-01"), to = as.Date("2002-12-31"), length.out = 1000), 100, replace = TRUE)

I put some configurations that are very arbitrary. What I did was: first, I set 1000 steps that uniformily go from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2002. From those, I told the program to select 100 at random, with repeating allowed. These were arbitrary configurations.

Note that this isn't even truly pseudo-random like runif(); they will be uniformily scattered across the line, but the larger the steps-to-selected ratio, the more it looks random.

EDIT: There's a chance I misunderstood your question. At first I thought you wanted to generate dummy date data in the range 2000-2002 (and later 2007-2009), but now I think you want to identify if it's inside the range... Either way, I don't really understand. If it's the second, this is the code:

df <- data.frame(Dates = sample(seq(from = as.Date("1998-01-01"), to = as.Date("2004-12-31"), length.out = 2000), 200, replace = TRUE),
                 otherStuff = rnorm(200))

df$isInRange <- ifelse(df$Dates > as.Date("2000-01-01") & df$Dates < as.Date("2002-12-31"), 1, 0)

That is, if you don't want to use anything but base R.