
I am trying to configure WSO2 API Manager Analytics. I tried the Quick Setup locally (it works) and am now attempting the Standard Setup with API Manager in a VM and API Manager Analytics in a separate VM.

But when I access /analytics-dashboard, I get a blank dark screen with the following error:

enter image description here

The returned error is :

Error: Unable to retrieve custom url info from APIM Admin API

Any pointers on what could have been misconfigured?

Do you see any errors in the analytics dashboard server? Please cross check these configs in here - github.com/wso2/docker-apim/blob/master/docker-compose/…Pubci

2 Answers


Please try the following:

  1. Open the <API-M_ANALYTICS_HOME>/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml file.

  2. Under properties section of auth.configs add the following property with the value set to APIM url

    adminServiceBaseUrl: https://localhost:9443


Figured out your issue. Simply

  • You are using different versions of
  • WSO2 API Manager (E.g: wso2am-3.2.0)
  • WSO2 APIM Analytics Dashboard and Worker (E.g: wso2am-analytics-3.1.0)

In order to verify if above is the issue you have,

  1. Goto deployment.toml of wso2am-analytics: dashboard profile (E.g: /home/wso2carbon/wso2am-analytics-3.1.0/conf/dashboard/deployment.yaml)

  2. Change following param values of each key value pair of auth.configs:

    publisherUrl: https://mgt-apim:9443
    devPortalUrl: https://mgt-apim:9443
  3. You should get an error similar to bewlow,

Exception occurred :No subject alternative DNS name matching mgt-apim found. executing GET https://mgt-apim:9443/api/am/admin/v0.16/custom-urls/carbon.super

Reason for above error is mismatching versions of API Manager and API Manager analytics.

Note: If further help is needed please refer to this sample config, sample_wso2_apim_analytics_dashboard.yaml