
I would like to allow users privileges by region with PBI DAX expression implementation to first get USERPRINCIPALNAME then proceed to get their region.

User Table:

enter image description here

Scenario: When Shaun login to powerBI service. He only can view the dashboard and dataset in region R10.

How your user table related to your data table?mkRabbani
Hi mkRabbani, I had solved the problem using filter and selectcolumn function. Thanks alotSamP

1 Answers


If you have multiple tables you want to control with dynamic security, you might prefer an approach based on the propagation of the security filters through the relationships instead of using a DAX expression for every table you want to filter.

What we have to do is to create a new role and use this code to apply security filter for the user table :


The second thing to do is to apply bi-directionnal filtering for the relationship betwen user_region and region.