Thanks to Lone Gunman, this issue was due to an oversight of not setting the many delegates to nil before releasing them.
This is a strange one... I'm familiar with basic memory management but I think something is unusual about what I am seeing. Here is a little background...
I have a NavigationController that handles the navigation between the following ViewControllers:
Home -> Games -> Game
When running the code it falls down when leaving the Game. Within the GameViewController there is a dealloc method that resembles:
- (void)dealloc
[board release];
[opponentsViewController release];
[instructionsViewController release];
[imgPicker release];
[gameView release];
[super dealloc];
When the navigation controller goes back to the Games list (from the Game) it throws a EXC_BAD_ACCESS. So I bring up my trusty profiler and check for Zombies. Alas, just as I expected a message is being sent to a deallocated object! Digging deeper I find there to be 3 entries in the object's history:
- Board getting alloc'd (called by Game's init method)
- Board getting released (called by Game's dealloc method)
- Board being Zombie'd (called by Game's dealloc method)
Both calls 2 and 3 are called from UINavigationController setDisappearingViewController.
In my dealloc method I set breakpoints to each release call, when doing so - the [board release] call occurs, then the [opponentsViewController release] call occurs then the [board release] call occurs again. So I'm seeing the dealloc method does not finish completely and calls again.
What might be causing this?
Edit: This is the GameViewController Implementation
Code from the Games controller that adds this game:
-(void) gotoGame:(int)tag {
game = [[GameViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:game animated:YES];
[game release];
Edit: This is the GameViewController Header
-[NSObject dealloc]
cannot be executed twice. If you enable 'Run Static Analyser' in the build settings and try to build again, what issues do you get? – user142019