I have the following dataframe 'df_percentages':
Percentages_center Percentages zone2 Percentages total
Sleeping 77.496214 87.551742 12.202591
Low activity 21.339391 12.286724 81.511021
Middle activity 0.969207 0.124516 5.226317
High activity 0.158169 0.000000 1.009591
I am trying to create a vertically stacked bar-chart, with on the x-axis 3 seperate bars: one for 'Percentages_center', one for 'Percentages zone2' and one for 'Percentages total'. 1 bar should represent the percentages of sleeping, low activity, middle activity and high activity.
I've tried this using the following code, but I cant figure out how to make the bar chart:
x = ['Center', 'Zone2', 'Total']
plot = px.Figure(data=[go.Bar(
name = 'Sleeping (0-150 MP)',
x = x,
y = df_percentages['Percentages center']
name = 'Low activity (151-2000 MP)',
x = x,
y = df_percentages['Percentages zone2']
name = 'Middle activity (2001-6000 MP)',
x = x,
y = df_percentages['Percentages center']
name = 'High activity (6000-10000)',
x = x,
y = df_percentages['Percentages zone2']