
I am trying to transform RDD[String] to RDD[Picture] but could not do it. If I could manage to convert RDD to RDD[Picture] I would use the def hasValidCountry to check if the values latitude and longitude of the picture meta valid. And after that I am trying to check if user Tags are valid with def hasTags in Picture class. The problem I encounter :

  1. Implicit conversion found: row ⇒ augmentString(row): scala.collection.immutable.StringOps
  2. type mismatch; found : String required: Array[String]
  3. value InterestingPics is not a member of Array[Nothing] possible cause: maybe a semicolon is missing before `value InterestingPics'?

My intention is to choose line which has valid country and tags and transform all the line to new RDD[Picture] class.

ScalaFile1 (I have updated the ScalaFile):

  object Part2 {
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        var spark: SparkSession = null
        try {
          spark = SparkSession.builder().appName("Flickr using dataframes").config("spark.master", "local[*]").getOrCreate()
          val originalFlickrMeta: RDD[String] = spark.sparkContext.textFile("flickrSample.txt")        
      val InterestingPics = originalFlickrMeta.map(row => row.split('\t')).map(field => Picture(field(0).toString())
People will find it much easier to answer your question if you follow these guidelines: stackoverflow.com/help/minimal-reproducible-example. Your example is not syntactically correct (eg. you're missing 3 closing curly brackets) so your example would produce syntax errors instead of the errors you mention in the post. It's possible your IDE is able to highlight some other errors even if there are syntax problems, but that's not very reliable when the syntax issue affects the scope (eg missing curly brackets), so you really want to fix the syntax first.Diego Veralli

2 Answers


This works, as an example:

case class case_for_rdd(c1: Int, c2: String, c3: String)

val rdd_data = spark.sparkContext.textFile("/FileStore/tables/csv01-4.txt")
val rdd = rdd_data.map(row => row.split(',')).map(field => case_for_rdd(field(0).toInt, field(1), field(2)))

More complicated example with reading into RDD from file with array. Array needs a delimiter.


Some sample code, but use List as otherwise you get to see array addresses, that's what those strange strings are, courtesy of smarter people here:

case class case_for_rdd(c1: Int, c2: String, c3: String, a4: List[String])  
val rdd_data = spark.sparkContext.textFile("/FileStore/tables/csv03.txt")
val myCaseRdd = rdd_data.map(row => row.split(',')).map(field => case_for_rdd(field(0).toInt, field(1), field(2), (field(3).split("\\|").toList)))

My advice is to use a DF and the splitting stuff is then easier. Also, manipulation of the rdd via transformation, then the case class is lost. Array with DF api has no such issue.


I have an solution to my question in accordence with help of @thebluephantom. Thank you very much.

val InterestingPics = originalFlickrMeta.map(line => (new Picture(line.split("\t")))).filter(f => f.c != null && f.userTags.length > 0)