I am relatively new to Azure DevOps, so hopefully what I am about to ask makes sense...
My company utilizes a custom version of the Agile template for our projects. My particular project contains two different teams.
I am a member of the first team for visibility purposes. I manage the second team and would like to grant them the ability to use the work item templates I created.
Unfortunately, they are not able to see or use my templates and I am not sure why. The Azure DevOps documentation says they must 1) be members of the Azure DevOps team and 2) be members of the Contributor group. I can confirm both of those boxes are checked, but no dice.
My knowledge of Azure DevOps permissions is admittedly very little and my Google searches have yielded no promising results. Has anyone run into this problem before and know what the solution might be? Thanks in advance for your help!
Request #1: Tyler's View Part 2