I am trying to create measures which use different date columns within the same table. I have an order date and a shipment date. I want to compare how many orders are received on each week day with the amount of orders that are shipped on each weekday. I have a separate DATE table and I am using the 'USERELATIONSHIP' function in DAX. This is the main orders table:
As you can see, there are two columns with order date and ship date. This is the DATE table:
The relationship between these tables is by default, between the 'Order Date' column and 'DATE[Date]' table/column. This is the formula I have where I use the USERELATIONSHIP function:
Shipped-volumes = CALCULATE(COUNTROWS('DIM-Order'), USERELATIONSHIP('DIM-Order'[Ship Date], 'DATE'[Date]))
I am receiving the error message:
'USERELATIONSHIP function can only use the two columns references participating in relationship.'
Any ideas why?