using this reproducible example tibble
# install and attach packages
if (!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, dplyr, ggplot2)
# Create example dataset (tib1)
tib1 = tibble(location = c("loc1", rep(c("loc1", "loc2"), 8), rep("loc2",2)),
drill = sort(c(1, rep(1:4, 4),4, 4)),
thickness = c(20, 34, 99, 67, 29, 22, 53, 93, 64, 98, 76, 42, 49, 23, 11, 74,
19, 50, 40),
soiltype = c("gravel", rep( c("sand", "loam", "clay"),5 ), "sand", "gravel", "clay")) %>%
arrange(location, drill)
tib1 <- tib1 %>% group_by(location, drill) %>%
mutate(order = row_number(),
bottom_of_layer = cumsum(thickness),
top_of_layer = bottom_of_layer-thickness) %>%
ungroup %>%
select(location, drill, bottom_of_layer, top_of_layer, thickness, soiltype, order)
I would like to plot a cross section of a soil. I attempt to do this with geom_bar
or geom_col
from ggplot2
. In the example data there is an order given (1:3). I would like the bars to be stacked in the order as specified in the "order column".
So this would implicate that the bar where:
- location == "loc2" and drill == 4 should be colored in the order (from top to bottom):
orange (loam) - yellow (sand) - grey(gravel) - seagreen (clay)
- location == "loc1" and drill == 1 should be colored in the order (from top to bottom):
grey(gravel) - yellow (sand) - seagreen (clay)
While the other stacked bars remain in the same order & color.
In other words: I need the colors in the stacked bar to vary along with the sequence as indicated in the column "order".
colpalette = c("darkseagreen3", "darkgrey", "#FF9966", "palegoldenrod")
aes(x = drill))+
geom_bar(aes(fill = soiltype, y = -thickness),
stat = "identity")+
scale_fill_manual(values = colpalette)+
facet_wrap(vars(location), scale = "free_x")+
ylab("depth (cm)")+
ggtitle("how to plot the bars in the 'preferred order'? ",
subtitle = "the order of loc2 and drill == 4 should be: loam-sand-gravel-clay")+
Comparable, but slightly different issues are:
Order of stacked bars ggplot2 - Soil profile and Change the order of Stacked Bar Chart in ggplot2
I wonder whether the thing I am asking for is possible at all in ggplot as:
Bar charts are automatically stacked when multiple bars are placed at the same location. The order of the fill is designed to match the legend.
So I might have to search for an alternative option... unless anyone has a hack? Any help, answers, alternative plotting options, links are appreciated :) I prefer ggplot2 if possible.