Been reading the docs in Vutify for their v-simple-table and v-data-table and I am trying to figure out if there is a way to add a row highlight like you can for a v-data-table.
Such as this?
Vuetify - How to highlight row on click in v-data-table
My table body looks like this:
<v-simple-table dense fixed-header height="90vh" >
<template v-slot:default>
<thead >
<tr >
<th style="font-size: 16px;height: 40px;" width='4%' class="black--text">
<template v-if="Object.keys(arrAvailableDates).length">
<th style="font-size: 17px; " class="text-center black--text" v-for="(strDate, intIndex) in arrAvailableDates" :key="intIndex">
<span> {{ $moment(strDate).format('D MMM (ddd)') }}</span>
<v-badge tile v-if="total[strDate] > 0" inline color="green" v-bind:content="total[strDate]" > </v-badge>
<template v-else>
<th class="text-center" v-for="intHeaderCounter in 6" :key="intHeaderCounter">
<tbody v-if="!blnLoading">
<template v-if="Object.keys(arrFiltered).length" >
<tr class="teal lighten-5"
v-for="(arrData, strLocationName) in arrFiltered"
:key="'f-' + strLocationName"
<th class="black--text text-darken--3">
{{ strLocationName }} <br/><span class="caption">{{arrData['zip']}}</span>
<template v-for="(arrAppointmentData, strDate) in arrData['appointment']">
<td :key="strDate" class="text-center ma-0 pa-0" >
<template v-if="typeof(arrAppointmentData) == 'object' ">
<span class="time-slot-x-small" v-for='(intCount, intIndex) in arrAppointmentData' :key="intIndex">
{{ $moment(intIndex, ["HH:mm:ss"]).format('hh:mma')}}
<span class="dot">{{intCount}}</span>
<template v-else>
I can hover a row and it will show that the row is been hover but I am trying to create a way where if I click on the row, it will change the background color when selected.
An example I am trying to mirror is like this but with a simple table: