
I need to add a regular expression that matches all possible valid E.164 formatted phone numbers.

This regex works fine for for North American phone numbers, but I need something that will work for international numbers as well:


Example: +13172222222 matches 13172222222 still matches because +1 or 1 are optional 3172222222 still matches because +1 or 1 are optional 3171222222 does not match and is not a valid NANPA number.

Source: Freeswitch.org

I also came across this related question, but I think that it is way too crazy for my needs. In my case, I am simply validating an entry for a blacklist, which I'm comparing to incoming Twilio data; so, I care much less about weather a country code is valid. I really only need to test if a number matches the general E.164 form, rather than assuming it's a NANPA.

To be better understand what I need to match, here is an example from the Twilio Documentation:

All phone numbers in requests from Twilio are in E.164 format if possible. For example, (415) 555-4345 would come through as '+14155554345'. However, there are occasionally cases where Twilio cannot normalize an incoming caller ID to E.164. In these situations Twilio will report the raw caller ID string.

I want to match something like +14155554345, but not (415) 555-4345, 415555434, 555-4345 or 5554345. The regex should not restrict itself to only matching the US country code though. Basically, it should match the +xxxxxxxxxxx format. I also think the number could be longer, as there are multi-digit country codes, such as in the UK. T-Mobile's UK number is +447953966150 I'll update this if I can come up with a better example.

I've noticed that people are most willing to help when you provide examples of what you are trying to match... At least explain what is different between the input that you know how to match and the input you don't.agent-j
Sorry it took so ling for me to find an example. I couldn't find any clear documentation on E.164 format, so I've included the Twilio blurb on them.Sean W.
These still look like USA phone numbers. The regular expression from Freeswich.org matches the one you +14155554345 (well, if you escape the first + with \+). ^(\+1|1)?([2-9]\d\d[2-9]\d{6})$agent-j
@agent-j I added a UK example.Sean W.
For me the tricky part is extensions .. what if they put "+1 (999)-999-999 ext. 191" or "11 99 8888 8888 extension 9909" ?Mike Graf

8 Answers


The accepted answer is good, except an E.164 number can have up to 15 digits. The specification also doesn't indicate a minimum, so I wouldn't necessarily count on 10.

It should be ^\+?[1-9]\d{1,14}$

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164


I think until you have a great set of examples, you are best served by a flexible regex. This one will match a + followed by 10-14 digits.


Broken down, this expression means: ^ Match begining of string. \+? Optionally match a + symbol. \d{10,14} Match between 10 and 14 digits. $ Ensure we are at the end of the string.

If you learn that a digit at a particular index must not be 1 or 0, then you can use the [2-9] at that position, like this:


[2-9] means match any digit from 2 through 9 (don't match 0 or 1.)


Well, I used the accepted answer but it failed for many cases:

For inputs like:

  • Where numbers did not start with "+".
  • Where number count was less than 9.

the regex failed.

I finally used


This worked like a charm!


This matches only formats like +16174552211 and 16174552211


It is especially useful if you are using Twilio and Ruby on Rails


Typescript/Javascript : E.164

This works for me:

   static PHONE_NUMBER = /^\+[1-9]\d{10,14}$/; // E.164

   PHONE_NUMBER.test('+' + countryCode + phoneNumber);

Reference: https://blog.kevinchisholm.com/javascript/javascript-e164-phone-number-validation/


The regex you've provided should work except that the initial + needs to be escaped.


See it working at http://refiddle.com/19x


The accepted answer doesn't work with numbers without '+' sign. And I did a little math following the Wikipedia metrics, Country Code : 1 to 3 digits,
maximum : 15, Actual Phone Number : 12 (upon 15-3) to 14 (15-1) digits

The minimum in this regard is 10. For instance, the dummy US number "+14155552671" is the bare minimum. Breaking it down, +1 is US Country Code and the rest is all 'Area Code' + 'Subscriber Number' which is going to be 10. I couldn't find, in my research, a number less than 7 digits (Sweden) and is valid.

So the regex I had to come up with that works along with '+' sign along with the digits which much reside between 10~15 is as follows:


And this works well. You can check it out on Regex101.


This RegEx ^\\+?[0-9]{1,3}[ 1-9]\\d{1,14}$ also works without Invalid regular expression.