I am Trying to Upload a image to server, by the way I have used Image Cropper and Picker Libraries. it works fine, but during API Call I need to encode as base64, here the encoded string is wrong comparing to online image-to-base64 encode tool. so Server Failed to Save the data even if it Saved it seems Invalid Image. Please Help me to resolve this problem.
I have checked in API using Postman (online base64 image tools), it works fine.
Code :
Future<void> uploadProfileImage() async {
if (imageFile == null) return;
String imageFileName = imageFile.path.split("/").last;
// String base64ProfileImage = base64.encode(imageFile.readAsBytesSync()); // this gives problem
List<int> imageBytes = imageFile.readAsBytesSync();//
String encodedFile = base64.encode(imageBytes);//this also gives same problem
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