
I am currently trying to make an 'Anti Selfbot' Bot. I would like to do something good for the Discord Community. Therefore, I have tried to make an on_message event that can detect if an Embed contains 'selfbot', which would cause the message to get deleted and for the user to be banned.

I have already begun making my bot. However, I am not sure how to read the content of an Embed.

if 'selfbot' in message.content:
    # do some stuff here

So, basically, the only problem I am having at the moment would be reading the embed title or description content.

I believe what you are looking for is to see if a user sent an embed. Only bots are able to send embeds unless you are using some type of hacked/modified client (Which is still against discord's TOS). So if a user has sent an embed, they would get banned. You also need to check and make sure the user isn't a bot (An actual bot not a selfbot) Or else you might end up banning your trusty dank memer.Frederick Reynolds
Just to clarify, how will finding "selfbot" in someone's message verify that they are selfbotting? Are you trying to find out if a user account sent an embed?Axiumin_
I don't think anyone would put "selfbot" in their embed when they are selfbottingstijndcl

1 Answers


The below checks the title, description, footer, and fields of the embeds in a message for some text

from discord import Embed

def message_contains(message, text):
    return text in message.content or any(embed_contains(embed, text) for embed in message.embeds)

def embed_contains(embed, text):
    return (text in embed.title 
         or text in embed.description
         or (embed.footer.text and text in embed.footer.text) 
         or (any(text in field.name or text in field.value for field in embed.fields))