I've created a script that, when deployed as a web app, asks the user for some input, and creates and writes to a google doc.
Apparently, downloading the google doc from the script is not possible, and the next best thing seems to convert the doc and save it in my drive.
I have tried this very simple approach, inspired by Convert Google Doc to PDF using Google Script Editior
Project is deployed as a web app
function doGet() {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Index');
function editDoc(data) {
let doc = DocumentApp.create("Title");
let body = doc.getBody();
docblob = doc.getAs('application/pdf');
docblob.setName(doc.getName() + ".pdf");
let file = DriveApp.createFile(docblob);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_top">
<form onsubmit="edit()">
<input type="text" id="input">
<input type="submit" id="sub" value="Submit">
function edit() {
As a result, this adds a pdf to my google drive, which should be the pdf form of the created google doc, however it is blank.
I've created a script that, when deployed as a web app, asks the user for some input, and creates and writes to a google doc. I want to download this created doc from the web app. Is this possible, if so, how?
, unfortunately, in the current stage, Google Document cannot be directly downloaded. It seems that this is the current specification at Google side. If you want to download the Google Document, it is required to convert to DOCX format and PDF format. I apologize for this. – Tanaike