
I'm trying to do the simplest of "Hello World" IPN notifications in the PayPal sandbox, and it's not working despite my best efforts.

I tried checking the IPN history as described here: Paypal SandBox IPN History ...but nothing is shown.

I checked my sandbox IPN configuration: https://sandbox.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_profile-ipn-notify-edit ...and it does show my IPN URL (set to "https://-random id-.ngrok.io/ipn"), but then when I make a transaction in the sandbox I receive no notification.

To summarize:

  1. Sandbox IPN URL appears to be configured to my ngrok URL.
  2. I try to perform a random transaction in Sandbox (using my personal PayPal account and a PayPal email link).
  3. No notification comes through and nothing shows up on IPN history.

What am I missing?

What type of email link and "personal PayPal account" did you use to create the transaction? What is the transaction ID?Preston PHX
@PrestonPHX - I used a "Pay Now" button from here: sandbox.paypal.com/buttons The account I used for the transaction is one that I'd normally use to pay for PayPal transactions in the real world (because it wouldn't let me complete a transaction with my sandbox merchant account, nor add fake credit cards).Colin
Well we can't help further without knowing the sandbox email link or transaction IDPreston PHX
@PrestonPHX - Email link that I'm trying is: sandbox.paypal.com/webapps/billing/plans/…Colin

1 Answers


Ensure the sandbox Business account receiving the payment has a confirmed email in the sandbox environment.

  1. Log into it at https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/businessprofile/settings/email
  2. Send the confirmation from there, if necessary
  3. Read and proceed with the confirmation, via https://www.paypal.com/signin?intent=developer&returnUri=https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.paypal.com%2Fdeveloper%2Fnotifications%2F