I built a local development environment with CX 2005 & spartacus for study purpose.
Spartacus storefront works like a charm. Url is http://localhost:4200
But I can't see spartacus storefront in local smartedit's preview mode. (Url is https://localhost:9002/smartedit. Smartdit > Spartacus Electronics Site > Online > Home)
So I realized the spartacus storefront's url in iframe src is start with https not http.
- Could I change this iframe src to http or Can I launch my spartacus server to https intead of http?
I refered to Using Angular CLI to serve over https locally and launched spartacus storefront with https, but stil can't see spartacus storefront through smartedit.
- Or we don't need to see spartacus storefont in smartedit?
Thanks in advance.