The Activity Result has two API surfaces:
- The core
. This is what actually does the underlying work.
- A convenience interface in
that ComponentActivity
and Fragment
implement that ties the Activity Result request to the lifecycle of the Activity or Fragment
A Composable has a different lifetime than the Activity or Fragment (e.g., if you remove the Composable from your hierarchy, it should clean up after itself) and thus using the ActivityResultCaller
APIs such as registerForActivityResult()
is never the right thing to do.
Instead, you should be using the ActivityResultRegistry
APIs directly, calling register()
and unregister()
directly. This is best paired with the rememberUpdatedState()
and DisposableEffect
to create a version of registerForActivityResult
that works with a Composable:
fun <I, O> registerForActivityResult(
contract: ActivityResultContract<I, O>,
onResult: (O) -> Unit
) : ActivityResultLauncher<I> {
// First, find the ActivityResultRegistry by casting the Context
// (which is actually a ComponentActivity) to ActivityResultRegistryOwner
val owner = ContextAmbient.current as ActivityResultRegistryOwner
val activityResultRegistry = owner.activityResultRegistry
// Keep track of the current onResult listener
val currentOnResult = rememberUpdatedState(onResult)
// It doesn't really matter what the key is, just that it is unique
// and consistent across configuration changes
val key = rememberSavedInstanceState { UUID.randomUUID().toString() }
// Since we don't have a reference to the real ActivityResultLauncher
// until we register(), we build a layer of indirection so we can
// immediately return an ActivityResultLauncher
// (this is the same approach that Fragment.registerForActivityResult uses)
val realLauncher = mutableStateOf<ActivityResultLauncher<I>?>(null)
val returnedLauncher = remember {
object : ActivityResultLauncher<I>() {
override fun launch(input: I, options: ActivityOptionsCompat?) {
realLauncher.value?.launch(input, options)
override fun unregister() {
override fun getContract() = contract
// DisposableEffect ensures that we only register once
// and that we unregister when the composable is disposed
DisposableEffect(activityResultRegistry, key, contract) {
realLauncher.value = activityResultRegistry.register(key, contract) {
onDispose {
return returnedLauncher
Then it is possible to use this in your own Composable via code such as:
val result = remember { mutableStateOf<Bitmap?>(null) }
val launcher = registerForActivityResult(ActivityResultContracts.TakePicturePreview()) {
// Here we just update the state, but you could imagine
// pre-processing the result, or updating a MutableSharedFlow that
// your composable collects
result.value = it
// Now your onClick listener can call launch()
Button(onClick = { launcher.launch() } ) {
Text(text = "Take a picture")
// And you can use the result once it becomes available
result.value?.let { image ->
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth())