I took help of the following documentation to open a tab from a Chat Bot within my MS Teams using Deep Linking. Note: My MS Teams App is Bot + Tab
I used the following in my Adaptive Card:
"actions": [
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"title": "Continuity Planner Tab",
"url": "https://teams.microsoft.com/l%2Fentity%2F9eb33c56-6321-4da8-934f-9ba5a620157c%2FVSPPortal%3Fveeam%26label%3DVSP%2520Portal%2520%26context%3D%257B%2522subEntityId%2522%3A%2520%2522alerts%2522%257D"
My MS Teams App initially shows 4 tabs - Chat, Tab1, Tab2 , About
When I click the Deep Link button in Adaptive Card in Bot it takes me to Tab2. (Accepted Behavior) However, the first tab i.e. Chat disappears.
After Navigating via Deep Link App shows 3 tabs - Tab1, Tab2, About
How do I keep the first tab i.e. Chat visible. Please help.
Thanks, Gagan