
I've spent over 3 days on this issue and I don't know what to do anymore. I tried to set up a minimal working example in stackblitz but there it works perfectly.

I have a simple mat-autocomplete inside a reactive form, code straight out of the documentation:

<mat-form-field class="w-100">
   <input type="text"

    <mat-autocomplete #auto="matAutocomplete">
       <mat-option *ngFor="let c of testClients" [value]="c">{{ c }}</mat-option>


Options are not showing at all when I click. When I inspect the code, there are not mat-options inside the mat-autocomplete. I even tried to put a bunch of mat-option tags (without the ngFor) and still they aren't showing, so the ngFor is not the problem.

Are there any errors in the console?user13271817
Not a single one.Johnny Beltran
can you add your ts file and your module file of this component.Arunkumar Ramasamy
Figured it out. Whoever created this project did so by making a copy of an existing one and forgot to include the angular material stylesheetsJohnny Beltran

2 Answers


You are missing a filter method in your .ts

You have to subscribe to your clientControl valueChanges this way:

    this.filteredClients = this.filterClients(newValue);

So everytime your form control value changes you call your custom filterValues() method, that should look like:

filterClients(search: string) {
    return this.testClients.filter(value=>
    value.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.toLowerCase()) === 0);

So you use your testClients array as a base array, and your filteredClients array in your html:

<mat-option *ngFor="let n of filteredClients" [value]="c">

Filtering is not automatic, you have to use your custom method to filter the options.


So, I just realized that those options display over a <div class="cdk-overlay-container">. I have no idea what the previous programmer did but it's not displaying over the website, it's displaying after it so it isn't visible.

EDIT: The angular.json file didn't have the angular material stylesheets. Problem solved