
Can anybody let me know if below can be achieved without Bastion.

I have 2 vpc's VPC - A and VPC -B both have private and public subnets(no overlaping CIDRS) Client VPN endpoint configured with VPC -A and there is vpc peering connection between the two vps's

Now, after connecting to VPN, Can I ssh into ec2 instance in private subnet of VPC -B(without bastion), if yes, what all config required?

What's the rational behind doing this?Praveen Sripati
to access private resources with private address.drk23
Have you tried it? Did it work?John Rotenstein
Tried... didnt workdrk23

1 Answers


You basically need to have a route to and from that subnet available. So VPC A and B both need configuration in their route tables and ACLs that allow request from your address (private address acquired after VPN connection) to your private instances at port 22.