
I've created a new project and generated a new OAuth 2.0 Client ID but there doesn't appear to be any client secret available within credentials. The documentation for OAuth 2.0 for Mobile & Desktop Apps:Step 5 states that this parameter needs to be provided.

Heres a request:

   url : Optional<URL>
     some : https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token
      - _url : https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token
  - cachePolicy : 0
  - timeoutInterval : 30.0
  - mainDocumentURL : nil
  - networkServiceType : __C.NSURLRequestNetworkServiceType
  - allowsCellularAccess : true
   httpMethod : Optional<String>
    - some : "POST"
   allHTTPHeaderFields : Optional<Dictionary<String, String>>
     some : 1 element
       0 : 2 elements
        - key : "Content-Type"
        - value : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"
   httpBody : Optional<Data>
     some : 372 bytes
      - count : 372
       pointer : 0x00007fce7b5186f0
        - pointerValue : 140524808931056
  - httpBodyStream : nil
  - httpShouldHandleCookies : true
  - httpShouldUsePipelining : false

The request body data contains the exact same parameter values for client_id, redirect_uri and code_verifier used to successfully obtain a valid authorisation code.

Any request with no client_secret or using an empty string returns 400.
Any request using anything but an empty string returns 401, invalid_client error.

Here's a link to the documentation:

Here's a link to the project:

Any ideas?

What is the format of the request body?DaImTo
It's an NSData object containing the uft8 encoded string.Peter Spencer
The string is a URLComponents query.Peter Spencer

1 Answers


I was using code_challenge to exchange the authenticate_code for an access token, when I should have been using initial code_verifier. The Spotify authorisation guide on code flow helped me spot the bug.