I have an issue where other uses of my Google apps script's url is getting changed. Due to this issue they are not able to open the html page.
Original url "https://script.google.com/a/macros/google.com/s/abcxyz-kaskasdb/exec?v=applyleave"
changed url "https://script.google.com/macros/s/abcxyz-kaskasdb/exec?v=applyleave"
I realize "/a" and "/google.com" is getting removed some how.
How can I fix this issue.
Here is my code that is rendered:-
function include(filename)
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile(filename).getContent();
function render(file,argsObject){
var tmp = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile(file);
var keys = Object.keys(argsObject);
tmp[key] = argsObject[key];
return tmp.evaluate();
And here's the code for the server which should accept POST requests:
var Route = {};
Route.path = function (route,callback){
Route[route] = callback;
function doGet(e) {
if (Route[e.parameters.v]){
return Route[e.parameters.v]();}
else {
html = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('home');
return html.evaluate();
The error received from other side is this :-
Can anyone explain and provide solution?