I need to query a property of Saga Data class to get a list. It is stored on SqlPersistance table [Data] column as a serialized object. Think about a scenario that my SagaData has a property called UserName, so I want to query every saga related to that user. In a sloppy way, I can query the column content, get the list and can create Saga objects out of the content, by querying like:
FROM [myWonderfulDb].[dbo].[MyWonderfulPeristanceTable]
where JSON_VALUE(Data,'$.Username') = 'arthur'
but I am looking for an elegant way to do it by possibly using NserviceBus API's. There is a SagaFinder implementation described in ParticularSoftware documentation (link: https://docs.particular.net/persistence/sql/saga-finder) but this returns only one object which does not perfectly fit into my scenario.
Here how it is implemented in the documentation:
class SqlServerSagaFinder :
public Task<MySagaData> FindBy(MyMessage message, SynchronizedStorageSession session, ReadOnlyContextBag context)
return session.GetSagaData<MySagaData>(
context: context,
whereClause: "JSON_VALUE(Data,'$.PropertyPathInJson') = @propertyValue",
appendParameters: (builder, append) =>
var parameter = builder();
parameter.ParameterName = "propertyValue";
parameter.Value = message.PropertyValue;
Any ideas appreciated. Thank you!