I am doing a ggplot in which color, fill, shape and linetype aesthetics are used. I would like the legend keys to have no fill, but I would like the color of the legend key border to match the color for the other aesthetics in the legend. Everything in the plot below is as I want it to be except the border.
Please let me know how I can make the color of the border for each key match the color for the rest of the key (i.e. the border for A would be gray, B would be yellow, C would be blue and D would be green).
# Create sample data
dat <- data.frame(var_a = rnorm(20),
var_b = rep(c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), 5)) %>%
mutate(response = case_when(var_b == 'A' ~ var_a + 1,
var_b == 'B' ~ var_a * 2,
var_b == 'C' ~ var_a * .5,
var_b == 'D' ~ 1)) %>%
mutate(response = response + rnorm(nrow(.), 0, 0.1))
# Map colors to values of var_b
custom_color <- c('A' = "#999999", 'B' = "#F0E442",
'C' = "#56B4E9", 'D' = "#009E73")
# Create custom theme
my_theme <- theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = 'top',
legend.key.width = unit(0.35, 'in'))
# Create list with theme and manual aesthetic assignment
my_theme_list <- list(my_theme,
scale_color_manual(values = custom_color),
scale_fill_manual(values = custom_color))
# Plot
plot_1 <- dat %>% ggplot(aes(x = var_a, y = response, color = var_b, shape = var_b,
linetype = var_b, fill = var_b)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm') +
my_theme_list +
guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(fill = NA))) +
# Here's the part that's not working
theme(legend.key = element_rect(color = custom_color))
# Somehow plot(ggeffect()) is able to color the legend key boxes, but I can't
# figure out how it does it
mod <- lm(response ~ var_a * var_b, data = dat)
plot(ggeffect(mod, c('var_a', 'var_b'))