This is frustrating. Spent some good hours, but still can't figure it out. Really needing help now.
The issue is. I can access the local db (single) on my Mac Catalia OS, via Roto 3T with user/pwd, but I can't via iTerm2 zsh CLI. I uninstalled and re-installed mongoDB Community Edition 4.4, via brew services (brew install mongodb-community@4.4), still not working. I've been searching online and tried different things, like adding -p pwd, removing --authenticationMechanism, still no luck.
Here is the error message I keep getting. I already modified the /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf to enable authentication. /usr/local/var/mongodb folder exists with files in it. I verified that testuser was successfully created for mongoDB's testdb database, when I disabled the authentication and logged into mongoDB. Of course, since I can log in via Robo 3T, with the same user/pwd, that proves that testuser does exist in mongoDB.
Can you please help? Much thanks in advance!
~ > brew services start mongodb-community@4.4 7s 07:43:35 PM
==> Successfully started mongodb-community
(label: homebrew.mxcl.mongodb-community)
~ > mongo —u testuser --authenticationDatabase testdb --authenticationMechanism SCRAM-SHA-256
MongoDB shell version v4.4.1 connecting to: mongodb:// Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("7f5208cf-a7e5-464c-98ea-e553e4bca6dd") } MongoDB server version: 4.4.1
{"t":{"$date":"2020-11-01T00:13:54.378Z"},"s":"E", "c":"-", "id":22779, "ctx":"main","msg":"file [{filename}] doesn't exist","attr":{"filename":"testuser"}}
failed to load: testuser
exiting with code -3