
By default Node-RED duplicate to the syslog every message which has sent to console. Could anyone know how to disable that duplication? I need just put messages to consolw, not in syslog. Unfortunately there is no one word about syslog management inside logging documentation: https://nodered.org/docs/user-guide/runtime/logging

My settings.js:

// Configure the logging output
logging: {
    console: {
        level: "warn",
        metrics: false,
        audit: false

Node-RED starts like this:

node /usr/src/node-red/node_modules/node-red/red.js --userDir /data flows.json >> /data/node-red.log 2>&1

Because i'm redirecting console to the log file. It is more convenient to me because I use Node-RED with Kubernetes cluster

We need more information about exactly how you are starting Node-REDhardillb

1 Answers


Node-RED should only be logging to stdout/stderr by default, nothing should end up in the syslog.

The node-red-start script does redirect the logs to syslog (because it starts Node-RED with system) and then tails the syslog with journalctl so it looks like the output is being duplicated. But this should not be the case if you are starting Node-RED directly with node from the command line.