This question references to book "O'Relly Practical Statistics for Data Scientists 2nd Edition" chapter 3, session Chi-Square Test.
The book provides an example of one Chi-square test case, where it assumes a website with three different headlines that run by 1000 visitors. The result shows the # of clicks from each headline.
The Observed data is the following:
Headline A B C
Click 14 8 12
No-click 986 992 988
The expected value is calculated in the following:
Headline A B C
Click 11.13 11.13 11.13
No-click 988.67 988.67 988.67
The Pearson residual is defined as:
Where the table is now:
Headline A B C
Click 0.792 -0.990 0.198
No-click -0.085 0.106 -0.021
The Chi-square statistic is the sum of the squared Pearson residuals: . Which is 1.666
So far so good. Now here comes the resampling part:
1. Assuming a box of 34 ones and 2966 zeros
2. Shuffle, and take three samples of 1000 and count how many ones(Clicks)
3. Find the squared differences between the shuffled counts and expected counts then sum them.
4. Repeat steps 2 to 3, a few thousand times.
5. The P-value is how often does the resampled sum of squared deviations exceed the observed.
The resampling python test code is provided by the book as following: (Can be downloaded from
## Practical Statistics for Data Scientists (Python)
## Chapter 3. Statistial Experiments and Significance Testing
# > (c) 2019 Peter C. Bruce, Andrew Bruce, Peter Gedeck
# Import required Python packages.
from pathlib import Path
import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from statsmodels.stats import power
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
DATA = Path('.').resolve().parents[1] / 'data'
# Define paths to data sets. If you don't keep your data in the same directory as the code, adapt the path names.
CLICK_RATE_CSV = DATA / 'click_rates.csv'
## Chi-Square Test
### Chi-Square Test: A Resampling Approach
# Table 3-4
click_rate = pd.read_csv(CLICK_RATE_CSV)
clicks = click_rate.pivot(index='Click', columns='Headline', values='Rate')
# Table 3-5
row_average = clicks.mean(axis=1)
'Headline A': row_average,
'Headline B': row_average,
'Headline C': row_average,
# Resampling approach
box = [1] * 34
box.extend([0] * 2966)
def chi2(observed, expected):
pearson_residuals = []
for row, expect in zip(observed, expected):
pearson_residuals.append([(observe - expect) ** 2 / expect
for observe in row])
# return sum of squares
return np.sum(pearson_residuals)
expected_clicks = 34 / 3
expected_noclicks = 1000 - expected_clicks
expected = [34 / 3, 1000 - 34 / 3]
chi2observed = chi2(clicks.values, expected)
def perm_fun(box):
sample_clicks = [sum(random.sample(box, 1000)),
sum(random.sample(box, 1000)),
sum(random.sample(box, 1000))]
sample_noclicks = [1000 - n for n in sample_clicks]
return chi2([sample_clicks, sample_noclicks], expected)
perm_chi2 = [perm_fun(box) for _ in range(2000)]
resampled_p_value = sum(perm_chi2 > chi2observed) / len(perm_chi2)
print(f'Observed chi2: {chi2observed:.4f}')
print(f'Resampled p-value: {resampled_p_value:.4f}')
chisq, pvalue, df, expected = stats.chi2_contingency(clicks)
print(f'Observed chi2: {chi2observed:.4f}')
print(f'p-value: {pvalue:.4f}')
Now, i ran the perm_fun(box) for 2,000 times and obtained a resampled P-value of 0.4775. However, if I ran perm_fun(box) for 10,000 times, and 100,000 times, I was able to obtain a resampled P-value of 0.84 both times. It seems to me the P-value should be around 0.84. Why is the stats.chi2_contigency showing a such smaller numbers?
The result I get for running 2000 times is:
Observed chi2: 1.6659
Resampled p-value: 0.8300
Observed chi2: 1.6659
p-value: 0.4348
And if I were to run it 10,000 times, the result is:
Observed chi2: 1.6659
Resampled p-value: 0.8386
Observed chi2: 1.6659
p-value: 0.4348
software version:
pandas.__version__: 0.25.1
numpy.__version__: 1.16.5
scipy.__version__: 1.3.1
statsmodels.__version__: 0.10.1
sys.version_info: 3.7.4