I'm new to Tableau! I hope this is a simple answers. Thanks in advance!
I'm working with employee data and I need to create a matrix of headcount totals across years and months.
I'm starting with 6 tables listing all active employees at the beginning of each year from 2015 through 2020. I then have a list of employees and the date that were hired; so all employee additions. I then have the same thing for terminations. All 8 of these tables are in the same Excel file but different tables.
How can I take this data and create the matrix I linked above? I've tried creating calculated fields to count the number of active employees for each time period, but I can't then seem to get the matrix to organize itself correctly in a table.
I feel like the easiest solution would be to query this so that I just have a snapshot of all active employees at the beginning of each month and year with month and year columns, but I'm not sure how to convert what I have now, into that sort of structure.
Thanks again.
your data into one table before proceeding further. That will, however, depend on present structure of individual tables. – AnilGoyal