
I am trying to get Microsoft Teams usage report using PowerShell. To do so, initially I am connecting to Teams with "Connect-MicrosoftTeams", then to see the cmdlets i executed the command "Get-Command -Module MicrosoftTeams". Both cmdlets are working fine. But after this I am not able to proceed further, when I am trying to get GroupId using "Get-Team" , i am getting nothing. When I executed the Get-Team command it took 3 minutes 8 Second & 386 milliseconds and then the cursor got return without any output nor any error message(please see the screenshot PowerShell cmdlets output). None of the cmdlets with "Get-* " is working.for example: get-Team -displayName, Get-Team -user none is working.

Please help.


1 Answers


Are you connecting with an admin account that has access to read from the administrative information of Microsoft Teams?

Additionally, make sure to install the module with the flag -AllowClobber if you haven't, it caused me some issues initially.

Personally I was able to pull the teams on our infrastructure that I had access to manage: Teams Count Console

Amount of Teams O365