I have a tree in extjs. I've added the drag and drop plugin and those function fine in the browser but I need to send the dragged and drop change to my DB correct? To do this I believe I should listen for the drop event then make an ajax call to my back end. I have a checkchange event that fires OK but a drop or beforedrop even seem to do nothing.
Here is my tree's config, what am I doing wrong?
todotree = {
title: 'Tree Grid',
width: 600,
height: 400,
viewConfig: {
plugins: {
ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop'
store: new Ext.data.TreeStore({
storeId: 'treestore',
fields: [{
name: 'actionTitle',
type: 'string'
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'index.php/todo/listtree',
reader: 'json'
rootVisible: false,
columns: [
xtype: 'treecolumn',
text: 'Title',
flex: 3,
dataIndex: 'actionTitle'
listeners: {
checkchange: function(node, checked){
url: 'index.php/todo/togglecheck/' + node.data.recordId + '/' + checked,
success: function() {}
drop: function(){ alert("drop") },
beforedrop: function(){ alert("beforedrop") }
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I also tried this config to no avail. I don't think I understand how this is all supposed to work.
beforedrop: function(node, data, overModel, dropPosition, dropFunction){
dropFunction = function(){